пятница, 17 апреля 2015 г.

Debentures is not money, not the equivalent value.

It should be understood that the paper reflects civil relations. These relationships and should be considered. All economic entities must compulsorily provide non-recourse loan to the issuer of debt securities dematerialized in the form of a bank account. Calculations of debt securities in the name of service innovation lender against the loan, ie, who and how many loaned to the issuer of a financial liability. Do not you understand that this relationship compulsory loan is immoral and equal relations between economic entities of society? What kind of development of economic relations can speak in the absence of money in the social order, ie, no cash equivalent goods. Money is a product exchange relationship, rather than a loan. Therefore, the duty of the managing entity to keep their money in a bank account is a blatant lie and immoral legal. Debt securities (financial liability in the form of a bank account) serves the loan relations, rather than the exchange of goods, works and storage services.

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